Erotic stories of Ester Brutus\'s bitch
Profile page of Ester Brutus\'s bitch. . All of his stories for adults. The statistics and survey all its erotic stories online.
Ester Brutus\'s bitch wrote 1 erotic stories which have been read 13.5K times
Widowed and AloneI'll call myself Ester and I'm 58 widowed last July and live alone except for my dog Brutus. Brutus is a Great Dane and is a friendly giant, he missed my husband Martin. As a result started staying close by me. I work at the local mall and don't work on weekends and so I would take Brutus for walks around the park on the weekends and some afternoon after work also. I have Brutus inside at night and he use to use the old lounge to sleep on, But since Martins death he sleeps beside my bed. I gave ... reading time 4 mingenreZoophiliawritten on